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An FRC Thank You

An open letter to Dr. Andreo Spina  – developer and brain-trust of the Functional Range Conditioning system of exercise training:


Dear Andreo,


Thank you. A few years ago you taught me Functional Range Conditioning (FRC).  It satisfied my need to infuse a scientific approach to neuro-musculoskeletal rehabilitation into my chiropractic practice.  FRC not only enhanced my capability as a physical therapist for my patients, but it has revolutionized my practice and my own self-care strategies.  I have since taken your Functional Release (FR) seminars and look forward to Functional Range Assessment (FRA) at my soonest opportunity.  Not a day goes by that I do not teach and prescribe functional movement to my patients and/or use them to train myself.  I am indebted to you for your wisdom, inspiration, and for the creation of a community that is leading the charge to helping change the lives of the people we interact with.  I use your Facebook group, Twitter, Instagram, etc. to learn, teach, stay at the forefront of physical rehabilitation science, and to evolve as a physical therapist.  On behalf of my patients and myself, I thank you.


My own physical health training has evolved immensely.  I recently joined a new gym near my office to add strength training to my routine.  Blending the strength game (squats, hip-hinge, pulls, pushes, and carries, etc.) with the FRC principles has me feeling stronger, more mobile, and healthier than ever.  We all need a push from time to time, and your Functional Anatomy Seminars hit the spot.  My social media feed is constantly inspiring thanks to people like you, Chivers, Dewey, Hunter, Sam in Philly, Hanrahan, etc.  FRC and FR principles bring science and logic to exciting levels when rehabbing tendonopathies, mobility issues, and everything else.  Plus, it makes it exciting to come to work to help others, and going to the gym to improve myself.  The fact that we were classmates at CMCC simply adds to the story I get to tell my patients when I prescribe them a movement and teach them the principles of preparing the body for life.  Until the next seminar, thanks!




Dr. Michael Berenstein

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