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With a record amount of people around the globe having sleepless nights, waking up refreshed might not be an option these days. But we’ve got good news – adding a morning stretching routine to your day might help.

Spending 10 to 15 minutes stretching each morning is effective at helping you wake up, loosening your muscles for the day ahead – and it’s considered a form of exercise.

A daily morning routine can help energize you for the day and help reduce anxiety. That could mean you can skip that coffee until midmorning, or eliminate it all together.

A.M. stretching is also helpful for improving your posture. Are you one of the millions of people worldwide that sit behind a desk? Or are you binging on the couch in front of the tube? Implementing morning stretching into your daily routine isn’t just effective for loosening tight muscles, but helps them to become more flexible. Over time, you’ll notice a positive change in your posture. And your energy.