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Update #1 (May 29)

I hope this blog post finds you safe and well. Today I bring you an update on my preparation for returning to work. For now, my in-person chiropractic services remain closed. Virtual consultations are available. To contact me for any reason, please email me directly at because phone messages are not consistently being forwarded.

The Ontario Government is now allowing chiropractors to re-open their offices. However, we are being encouraged to do so gradually, and only when we are in full compliance with the new safety guidelines. I am busy preparing to return to work. I will provide further updates in the coming days regarding when in-person services will resume and what steps you and I will be taking to ensure we are all safe and healthy.

And, as always, if you want to chat or have any questions about your health or safety, please email me at

Yours in health,

Dr. Michael Berenstein

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